Phalaenopsis 'Ikaria'

Phalaenopsis 'Ikaria'
Flower color White-white-999D; White-white-999D
Flower diameter 9,5 - 10 cm; 9,5 - 10 cm
Plant height 50 - 60 cm; 50 - 60 cm
Leaf size 20 - 25 cm; 20 - 25 cm
Lip color White-white-999D; White-white-999D
Leaf, main color Dark green; Dark green
Lip secondary color(s) Yellow-medium yellow orange-013B; Yellow-medium yellow orange-013B; Red-dark purple-061A; Red-dark purple-061A
Lipcolor distribution Multi-colored; Multi-colored
Leaf colour, pattern Unicolored; Unicolored
Flower color distribution Unicolored; Unicolored

The Phalaenopsis 'Ikaria' is a stunning orchid variety that is sure to catch the eye with its unique characteristics. One of its most striking features is its flower color, which is described as white-white-999D. This color combination gives the flowers a pure and pristine appearance.

The flower diameter of the 'Ikaria' orchid is approximately 9.5 to 10 cm, making it a medium-sized flower. This size allows the flowers to stand out without being too overpowering. When fully grown, the plant can reach a height of 50 to 60 cm, providing a graceful presence in any setting.

The leaves of the Phalaenopsis 'Ikaria' are another key feature of this orchid variety. They have a size range of 20 to 25 cm, providing an ample canopy and lush greenery. The main color of the leaves is a rich, dark green, which adds depth and contrast to the overall appearance of the plant.

The lip of the 'Ikaria' orchid is also quite unique, with a white-white-999D coloration. However, it also has secondary colors that add additional interest. These secondary colors include yellow-medium yellow orange-013B and red-dark purple-061A. This combination of colors adds a vibrant and multi-colored element to the lip of the orchid.

The lip color distribution is described as multi-colored, meaning that the colors are spread out in an eye-catching pattern. This adds to the overall visual appeal of the orchid and makes it even more striking to behold.

When it comes to leaf color and pattern, the Phalaenopsis 'Ikaria' is unicolored, meaning that the leaves have a consistent color throughout. In this case, the leaves maintain their dark green hue, creating a sense of harmony and cohesion with the rest of the plant.

Similarly, the flower color distribution is also unicolored, meaning that the flowers maintain a consistent color throughout. This ensures that the 'Ikaria' orchid maintains a clean and elegant appearance, with no distracting color variations.

Overall, the Phalaenopsis 'Ikaria' is a visually stunning orchid variety with its white-white-999D flower color, medium-sized flowers, and dark green leaves. The multi-colored lip adds a vibrant touch, while the unicolored leaf and flower color distributions create a sense of harmony and elegance. Whether displayed on its own or as part of a collection, the 'Ikaria' orchid is sure to impress with its unique and captivating beauty.

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