Phalaenopsis 'Tropic Mini Mark'

Phalaenopsis 'Tropic Mini Mark'
Flower color White-white-NN155B
Leaf, general shape Elongate
Flower diameter 3 - 3,5 cm
Plant height 30 - 40 cm
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Inflorescence length 15 - 20 cm
Lip color Orange-orange brown-N163B
Leaf, main color Dark green
Lip secondary color(s) Red
Lipcolor distribution Dotted; Bicolored
Flower color distribution Multi-colored; Dotted
Flower, secondary color(s) Purple-medium violet-077B

Introducing Phalaenopsis 'Tropic Mini Mark': A Stunning Orchid With Diverse Colors and Unique Features

Phalaenopsis 'Tropic Mini Mark' is an exquisite orchid variety that is sure to captivate any floral enthusiast. With its stunning combination of colors, elongated leaves, and mesmerizing flowers, this orchid is truly a sight to behold.

One of the standout features of the Phalaenopsis 'Tropic Mini Mark' is its flower color. The flowers exhibit a beautiful white hue, adorned with intricate dotted patterns, giving them a multi-colored appearance. The flower petals also showcase a secondary color of purple-medium violet, adding depth and contrast to the overall display. The lip of the flower holds its own attraction with a vibrant orange to orange-brown color. Additionally, the lip features red secondary colors, adding an element of intrigue to the overall aesthetics.

Measuring approximately 3 to 3.5 cm in diameter, the Phalaenopsis 'Tropic Mini Mark' flowers are relatively petite. However, their smaller size only adds to their delicate charm. The inflorescence length reaches an impressive 15 to 20 cm, creating a visual spectacle when the orchid is in full bloom.

The plant itself stands at a height of 30 to 40 cm, making it a perfect choice for both indoor and outdoor settings. The elongated leaves, measuring between 10 to 15 cm in size, offer a contrasting dark green color, providing a luscious backdrop to the vibrant flowers. This combination of colors creates a harmonious balance, making the Phalaenopsis 'Tropic Mini Mark' a truly remarkable addition to any garden or floral arrangement.

With its dotted and bicolored lip distribution, the Phalaenopsis 'Tropic Mini Mark' offers a unique and visually appealing feature. The lip showcases an intricate pattern of dots, enhancing the overall attractiveness of the flower. Moreover, the bicolored distribution of the lip adds depth and dimension to the entire flower, making it a standout amongst other orchids.

The Phalaenopsis 'Tropic Mini Mark' is a great choice for both experienced orchid growers and beginners alike. It is a delight to nurture, as it thrives in moderate temperatures and requires minimal maintenance. With proper care, this orchid can bloom multiple times a year, providing a continuous display of its stunning flowers.

In conclusion, the Phalaenopsis 'Tropic Mini Mark' is an incredible orchid variety that offers a myriad of colors and unique features. From its captivating multi-colored and dotted flowers to its distinctive bicolored lip and elongated dark green leaves, this orchid is a true work of art within the botanical world. Its manageable size and low maintenance make it an ideal choice for orchid enthusiasts looking to add a touch of elegance and beauty to their surroundings.

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