Phalaenopsis Floriclone Zola

Phalaenopsis Floriclone Zola
Flower color White-white-NN155D
Leaf, general shape Elongate
Flower diameter 9 - 9,5 cm
Plant height 40 - 50 cm
Leaf size 15 - 20 cm
Inflorescence length 15 - 20 cm
Lip color White-white-NN155D
Leaf, main color Dark green
Lip secondary color(s) Brown; Yellow
Lipcolor distribution Multi-colored
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Introducing the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Zola Orchid: A Stunning Beauty

If you are a fan of elegant and mesmerizing flowers, then the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Zola Orchid will surely captivate you. This exquisite orchid variety boasts a pure white flower color with intricate patterns that make it a sight to behold. With its elongated leaf shape and dark green color, this orchid adds a touch of sophistication to any space.

One of the standout features of the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Zola Orchid is its flower diameter, ranging from 9 to 9.5 cm. The size of the blossoms ensures that they do not go unnoticed, attracting attention with their beauty and grace. Additionally, the plant itself reaches a height of 40 to 50 cm, making it a perfect fit for both indoor settings and outdoor gardens.

When it comes to the leaves of this orchid, they are another aspect that sets it apart. The Phalaenopsis Floriclone Zola Orchid has leaves that measure between 15 to 20 cm in size, providing a lush and vibrant backdrop for the remarkable flowers it produces. The dark green color of the leaves adds depth and contrast to the overall aesthetic, enhancing the visual impact of this stunning orchid.

One of the unique characteristics of the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Zola Orchid is the multi-colored distribution of its lip and flower color. While the flower color remains unicolored in a beautiful white shade, the lip of the orchid exhibits brown and yellow secondary colors. This combination makes for a mesmerizing display that adds interest and complexity to the overall composition of the flower.

Furthermore, the length of the inflorescence, ranging from 15 to 20 cm, adds another dimension to the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Zola Orchid. The elongated inflorescence showcases the flowers in a graceful and elegant manner, allowing each blossom to shine and be appreciated individually.

In conclusion, the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Zola Orchid is a true showstopper. Its beautiful white flowers with intricate designs, elongated leaf shape, and dark green color combine to create a stunning visual spectacle. Whether placed in a pot indoors or in a garden outside, this orchid is sure to attract attention and admiration. With its unique lip color distribution and unicolored flower color, the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Zola Orchid is guaranteed to leave a lasting impression on anyone who beholds its magnificence.

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