Phalaenopsis per branch Anthura Kyoto

Phalaenopsis per branch Anthura Kyoto
Flower color White-white-999D
Flower diameter 11 - 12 cm
Lip color White-white-999D
Lip secondary color(s) Red-dark purple red-053A; Yellow-light yellow green-001C
Lipcolor distribution Multi-colored
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Phalaenopsis Anthura Kyoto Orchid is a stunning variety known for its elegant white flowers. Each branch of this exquisite plant produces multiple flowers, which showcase a beautiful color pattern. The flower color is labeled as white-white-999D, indicating a pristine white shade with a subtle hint of creaminess. These flowers have a diameter ranging between 11 to 12 cm, making them a striking focal point for any space.

The lip of the Phalaenopsis Anthura Kyoto Orchid also features an intricate coloring pattern. The lip color is described as white-white-999D, similar to the flower color, but it also exhibits secondary colors. The secondary colors of the lip include a deep red-purple shade, labeled as Red-dark purple red-053A, as well as a light yellow-green hue, denoted as Yellow-light yellow green-001C. These secondary colors add depth and dimension to the overall appearance of the orchid.

The distribution of the lip color on each flower is labelled as multi-colored. This means that the lip showcases a combination of the primary and secondary colors described above, creating a unique and vibrant display. The multi-colored lip enhances the visual interest of the flower and adds a touch of whimsy to its overall beauty.

In contrast, the flower color distribution on the Phalaenopsis Anthura Kyoto Orchid is identified as unicolored. This means that each individual flower on the branch features the same white-white-999D shade, creating a uniform and cohesive look. The unicolored flower distribution allows for a visually pleasing arrangement when multiple flowers bloom on each branch.

Overall, the Phalaenopsis Anthura Kyoto Orchid is a show-stopping variety with its elegant white flowers and intricate lip color pattern. Its multi-colored lip adds an element of surprise and intrigue to each bloom, while the unicolored flower distribution provides a sense of unity and harmony. This orchid is sure to captivate anyone who beholds its exquisite beauty and would make a stunning addition to any floral arrangement or indoor garden.

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