Phalaenopsis Floriclone Elastic Love

Phalaenopsis Floriclone Elastic Love
Flower color Purple-medium violet-N080B
Leaf, general shape Elongate
Flower diameter 10 - 11 cm
Plant height 40 - 50 cm
Leaf width 5 - 7,5 cm
Leaf size 15 - 20 cm
Inflorescence length 25 - 30 cm
Lip color Purple-medium violet-N078C
Leaf, main color Dark green
Lip secondary color(s) Yellow; Red
Lipcolor distribution Multi-colored
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace

One of the remarkable features of the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Elastic Love Orchid is its vibrant lip color. The lip, which is the bottom petal of the flower, showcases a purple-medium violet hue, similar to the rest of the flower. However, it also has secondary colors of yellow and red, creating a multi-colored effect. This distribution of lip colors adds an intriguing and unique element to the overall appearance of the flower.

The Phalaenopsis Floriclone Elastic Love Orchid has a height of 40-50 cm, making it a medium-sized orchid. Its inflorescence, or the stem that bears the flowers, can reach a length of 25-30 cm, allowing for a generous display of beautiful blooms. This orchid is known for its unicolored flower distribution, with traces of yellow and red, giving it a distinct and eye-catching aesthetic.

In terms of its leaves, the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Elastic Love Orchid has an elongated shape with a width of 5-7.5 cm. The leaves play a crucial role in the overall beauty of the plant, serving as a backdrop to highlight the vibrant colors of the flowers. With their dark green color, the leaves provide a striking contrast against the purple-medium violet blooms.

Caring for the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Elastic Love Orchid is relatively straightforward, making it a great choice for both experienced and novice plant enthusiasts. This orchid variety thrives in bright, indirect light and prefers temperatures ranging from 18-24 degrees Celsius. Adequate humidity is also important for the plant's well-being, so misting the leaves or placing a tray of water nearby can help maintain the required moisture levels.

When it comes to watering, the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Elastic Love Orchid appreciates regular watering but requires proper drainage to prevent root rot. Allowing the top layer of the potting mix to dry out slightly between watering sessions is recommended. Additionally, using a balanced orchid fertilizer every other week can promote healthy growth and flowering.

The Phalaenopsis Floriclone Elastic Love Orchid is not only a stunning addition to any indoor or outdoor garden, but it is also a popular choice for special occasions and gift-giving. Its vibrant and colorful blooms, paired with its graceful foliage, make it a symbol of beauty and elegance. Whether displayed as a single plant or part of a floral arrangement, this orchid is sure to captivate and bring joy to any space or recipient.

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