Phalaenopsis 'Sion 3613'

Phalaenopsis 'Sion 3613'
Flower color White-white-NN155D
Leaf, general shape Elongate
Flower diameter 10 - 11 cm
Plant height 60 - 70 cm
Leaf width 7,5 - 10 cm
Leaf size 20 - 25 cm
Inflorescence length 30 - 40 cm
Lip color White-white-NN155D
Leaf, main color Dark green
Lip secondary color(s) Yellow; Red
Lipcolor distribution Multi-colored
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Phalaenopsis 'Sion 3613' is a stunning orchid variety that captivates with its beautiful white-white-NN155D flowers and dark green elongate leaves. This orchid species is known for its large flower diameter, ranging from 10 to 11 cm, and its impressive plant height, which can reach 60 to 70 cm.

One of the distinctive characteristics of the Phalaenopsis 'Sion 3613' is its leaf width, measuring between 7.5 and 10 cm. The leaves themselves are fairly large, with a size ranging from 20 to 25 cm. These elongated leaves beautifully complement the elegant and delicate flowers of this orchid.

The inflorescence length of the Phalaenopsis 'Sion 3613' is relatively long, varying from 30 to 40 cm. This means that the plant can produce an abundance of flowers, creating a stunning display to admire. The flowers themselves have a unicolored distribution, allowing their pure white hue to shine through.

The lip of the Phalaenopsis 'Sion 3613' is another remarkable feature. It possesses a multi-colored lip color distribution, with white-white-NN155D as its base color, accompanied by hints of yellow and red. This combination of colors adds depth and visual interest to the lip, creating a focal point within each flower.

Overall, the Phalaenopsis 'Sion 3613' is a show-stopping orchid variety that boasts an impressive combination of colors and features. Its white-white-NN155D flowers, coupled with its dark green elongate leaves, make for a striking contrast. This orchid adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space, whether it be a home, office, or garden.

Caring for this orchid variety involves providing it with the appropriate light, temperature, and moisture conditions. Phalaenopsis orchids thrive in bright, indirect light and prefer temperatures between 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They require a moderate amount of watering, allowing the potting mix to dry slightly between waterings.

The Phalaenopsis 'Sion 3613' is a delightful addition to any orchid enthusiast's collection. Its unique features and stunning beauty make it a must-have for orchid lovers and collectors alike. Whether used as a decorative piece or as a gift, this orchid variety is sure to impress with its unicolored flowers and contrasting leaf color.

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