Phalaenopsis per branch 'Omega'

Phalaenopsis per branch 'Omega'
Flower color White-white-155A
Flower diameter 10 - 11 cm
Lip color Purple-light violet-075A; Red-dark purple red-060A
Lipcolor distribution Multi-colored
Flower color distribution Multi-colored

Phalaenopsis, commonly known as the moth orchid, is a stunning and popular flowering plant that comes in a variety of colors and patterns. The Phalaenopsis per branch 'Omega' is a particularly eye-catching variety, known for its unique flower color and distribution.

The flowers of the 'Omega' orchid are predominantly white, with a touch of the Color Association of the United States (CAUS) classification 155A. The pure white blooms add a touch of elegance and purity to any setting. Each flower boasts a diameter of 10 to 11 cm, making it a relatively large-sized orchid.

What sets the 'Omega' orchid apart is its lip color. The lip, which is the part of the flower that often serves as a focal point, comes in two different hues. The upper part of the lip is a beautiful shade of purple-light violet, with a slight touch of the CAUS classification 075A. This soft and delicate color adds a touch of femininity and grace to the flower. The lower part of the lip, however, is a contrasting red-dark purple red, which carries a deeper and more intense tone classified as 060A by CAUS. This creates an intriguing and visually striking contrast within the flower.

Furthermore, both the lip and the flower exhibit a multi-colored distribution. This means that the colors are not uniform throughout the lip and flower, but rather appear in a mottled or streaked pattern. This feature adds a sense of uniqueness and complexity to the 'Omega' orchid. Each flower is a work of art, with its own distinctive color patterns.

The 'Omega' orchid is not only beautiful to look at but also easy to care for. It requires moderate to bright indirect light and prefers temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C). Regular watering and fertilizing are necessary to keep the plant healthy and promote bloom production. With proper care, this orchid will grace your home or garden with its stunning flowers for months on end.

In conclusion, the Phalaenopsis per branch 'Omega' is a must-have for any orchid enthusiast. Its white flowers with a touch of 155A, accompanied by the multi-colored lip, create a captivating and visually engaging display. The 'Omega' orchid is not only a feast for the eyes but also a relatively easy plant to cultivate. Its unique colors and patterns make it a valuable addition to any collection, bringing joy and beauty to any space it inhabits.

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