Phalaenopsis per branch Kimberley

Phalaenopsis per branch Kimberley
Flower color White-white-NN155D; Purple-dark purple-N079C
Flower diameter 11 - 12 cm
Inflorescence length 30 - 40 cm
Lip color White-white-NN155D
Lip secondary color(s) Yellow; Purple
Lipcolor distribution Feathered; Multi-colored
Flower color distribution Bicolored; Feathered
Flower, secondary color(s) Purple-dark purple-N079A

The Phalaenopsis Kimberley orchid is renowned for its stunning beauty and exquisite features. This orchid variety boasts a unique combination of flower colors, ranging from white to dark purple, giving it a truly captivating appearance.

The primary flower color of the Phalaenopsis Kimberley is a pristine white, creating an elegant and sophisticated look. Adorning each branch, these pure white flowers add a touch of purity and serenity to any space they inhabit. The delicate petals showcase their beauty, with a diameter measuring between 11 to 12 cm.

Complementing the white flowers, the Phalaenopsis Kimberley also exhibits a secondary flower color of purple-dark purple. The vividness and depth of this color add a touch of vibrancy, contrasting beautifully with the white blooms. The bicolored and feathered flower distribution accentuates the uniqueness of each blossom, creating visual interest and attraction.

The lip of the Phalaenopsis Kimberley is identical to the primary flower color – a lovely white hue. However, it also showcases a secondary color distribution of yellow and purple, displaying a charming combination of shades. This intricate mix adds dimension and complexity to the lip, making it a focal point of the orchid's overall allure.

Interestingly, the lip color distribution is described as feathered and multi-colored. This means that the colors blend seamlessly, creating a soft gradient effect within the lip. This unique characteristic further enhances the Phalaenopsis Kimberley's charm and makes it a standout variety among orchid enthusiasts.

Additionally, the Phalaenopsis Kimberley boasts an inflorescence length of 30 to 40 cm. This means that each branch bears a considerable number of flowers, forming a magnificent display of natural artistry. The combination of the rich color palette, intricate lip characteristics, and abundant flower clusters makes this orchid a true spectacle to behold.

In summary, the Phalaenopsis Kimberley is a visually striking orchid variety that captivates viewers with its exquisite features. From its white and dark purple flowers to its feathered and multi-colored lip, every aspect of this orchid showcases a unique blend of beauty. With a generous inflorescence length, the Phalaenopsis Kimberley reigns supreme as a truly mesmerizing orchid in the world of horticulture.

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