Phlox (Paniculata Grp) 'Bright Eyes Elite'

Phlox (Paniculata Grp) 'Bright Eyes Elite'
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Leaf margin Dentate
Leaf type Foliage leaf
Flower color Pink-medium purple red-066A; White-white-155D
Soil fertility No poor soils
Structure (tissues) Subshrubby/semi-shrubby
Light conditions Sunny; Semi-shades
Leaf division Simple
Flower color distribution Bicolored; Bicolored
Moisture requirements Moist
Soil type Humus rich

Phlox (Paniculata Grp) 'Bright Eyes Elite' is a stunning perennial plant that will add a pop of color to any garden or landscape. With its pointed/acute leaf tips and dentate leaf margins, this variety of Phlox has a unique and eye-catching foliage.

The leaves are simple in division, making them easy to care for and maintain. They are of a foliage leaf type, providing an attractive backdrop to the beautiful flowers that will bloom throughout the season.

Speaking of flowers, Phlox 'Bright Eyes Elite' showcases an exciting bicolored flower color distribution. The flowers range from a vibrant pink-medium purple red-066A to a pure white-white-155D. This striking contrast brings a sense of harmony and interest to the plant, making it a fantastic choice for those who appreciate dynamic floral displays.

In terms of structure, this Phlox variety can be considered subshrubby/semi-shrubby. This means that it has some woody stems, adding a bit of structure to the plant. It also thrives in sunny and semi-shaded light conditions, making it adaptable to a variety of garden setups.

When it comes to soil fertility, Phlox 'Bright Eyes Elite' prefers to be planted in well-draining soil. It can tolerate different soil types but does not perform well in poor soils. It thrives in humus-rich soil, which provides the necessary nutrients and moisture for its optimum growth. Speaking of moisture, this variety has moderate moisture requirements and appreciates being in a moist environment.

In conclusion, Phlox (Paniculata Grp) 'Bright Eyes Elite' is a remarkable perennial plant that boasts unique foliage and stunning bicolored flowers. With its subshrubby structure, it adds a touch of sophistication to any garden or landscape. This variety thrives in sunny to semi-shaded conditions and requires moist, well-draining, and humus-rich soil. Consider adding Phlox 'Bright Eyes Elite' to your garden for a burst of color and beauty throughout the growing season.

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