Rosa spray 4-Good White+

Rosa spray 4-Good White+
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color White-white-NN155A
Flower diameter 3,5 - 4 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Introducing the Rosa Spray 4-Good White+~ROSE: A Classic Beauty

When it comes to flowers, nothing captures the essence of elegance quite like the Rosa Spray 4-Good White+~ROSE. With its unscented yet visually stunning blooms, this classic rose variety is a true gem in the botanical world.

The first thing that catches the eye is the immaculate white color of the flowers. Named White-white-NN155A, this rose showcases a beautifully pure hue that radiates purity and innocence. Its flower diameter of 3.5 to 4 centimeters ensures that each bloom stands out and captivates even from a distance.

The Rosa Spray 4-Good White+~ROSE primarily showcases its blossoms in raceme inflorescences. This means that numerous flowers are displayed on a single main stem, creating an impressive spectacle of delicate petals. The white color distribution throughout the flower adds a touch of simplicity and refinement, making it a perfect addition to any floral arrangement.

In addition to its stunning appearance, the Rosa Spray 4-Good White+~ROSE also boasts foliage that perfectly complements its blooms. The dark green leaves serve as a backdrop, allowing the white flowers to pop and draw attention. This harmonious combination of colors creates a visually pleasing contrast that further enhances the allure of this exceptional rose variety.

What sets the Rosa Spray 4-Good White+~ROSE apart is its unicolored flower color distribution. While some roses may feature intricate patterns or multi-colored petals, this rose stays true to its pure white identity. This simplicity not only adds to its elegance but also makes it a versatile choice for various occasions and settings.

Whether used in weddings, special events, or as a centerpiece for your home, the Rosa Spray 4-Good White+~ROSE is sure to impress. Its timeless beauty and unicolored flower color distribution make it a go-to choice for those seeking a classic yet captivating floral presence.

In summary, the Rosa Spray 4-Good White+~ROSE is a rose variety that embodies timeless elegance and grace. With its unscented blooms, pure white color, raceme inflorescence, dark green leaves, and unicolored flower color distribution, this rose is a top contender for those wanting to add a touch of sophistication to any floral arrangement or setting.

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