Rosa spray White Bubbles

Rosa spray White Bubbles
Flower scent Sweet scented
Flower color White-white-155A
Flower diameter 5,5 - 6 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Rosa Spray White Bubbles is a stunning rose variety that captivates with its delicate beauty and intoxicating fragrance. From its sweet scent to its unicolored white-white-155A flower petals, this rose is a true masterpiece of nature.

One of the most striking features of Rosa Spray White Bubbles is its flower diameter, which ranges from 5.5 to 6 centimeters. These blossoms are not only compact but also have a perfect shape, making them a visually pleasing addition to any garden or floral arrangement.

The inflorescence of this rose is known as a raceme, where multiple flowers are arranged along a central stem. This creates an elegant and harmonious display of blooms, adding a touch of elegance and charm wherever they are found.

Another notable aspect of this variety is its dark green leaves, which act as a beautiful backdrop for the white flowers. The contrast between the vibrant green foliage and the unicolored petals creates a visually stunning scene that is sure to bring joy to any observer.

Rosa Spray White Bubbles is a versatile rose that can be used in a variety of settings. Whether it is planted in a garden bed, used in floral arrangements, or even gifted as a symbol of love and affection, this rose is sure to leave a lasting impression.

The beauty of this rose goes beyond its appearance. Its sweet fragrance fills the air, enchanting all who come in contact with it. The delightful scent is reminiscent of fresh blossoms on a warm spring day and adds an extra layer of allure to this already captivating flower.

Garden enthusiasts and flower lovers alike will appreciate the charm and elegance of Rosa Spray White Bubbles. Its unicolored white-white-155A flowers, sweet scent, and balanced inflorescence make it a standout choice for anyone looking to add a touch of beauty and sophistication to their surroundings.

In essence, Rosa Spray White Bubbles is a rose that encapsulates the epitome of beauty and elegance. Its unicolored white petals, sweet scent, and raceme inflorescence make it a truly mesmerizing specimen. Whether used in a garden, displayed in a vase, or given as a gift, this rose will undoubtedly bring joy and delight to all who encounter it.

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