Rosa large flowered Louis Couperus

Rosa large flowered Louis Couperus
Flower type Double (pleniflorous); Twisted heart
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Red-medium red-046C
Flower diameter 9,5 - 10 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Multi-colored; Marginate
Flower, secondary color(s) White-white-155A; Yellow-light yellow-002D

Introducing the Exquisite Rosa Large Flowered Louis Couperus Rose

If you're on the hunt for a unique and captivating flower to add to your garden, look no further than the Rosa Large Flowered Louis Couperus. This stunning rose variety boasts a plethora of remarkable features that are sure to make it the center of attention in any space.

One of the first things you'll notice about this rose is its gorgeous double (pleniflorous) flower type. The petals are elegantly twisted, forming a heart-like shape that is truly mesmerizing. The outer layer of petals is a rich, medium red hue with a touch of 046C, adding depth and allure to each blossom.

Though this rose may not emit a distinct scent, its visual appeal more than compensates for it. With a flower diameter ranging from 9.5 to 10 cm, these blooms are large and showy. Their sheer size ensures that they will be easily noticed and appreciated, even from afar.

When it comes to the arrangement of these magnificent flowers, the Rosa Large Flowered Louis Couperus prefers to stand alone. Each inflorescence consists of a single flower, allowed to shine independently. This arrangement emphasizes the beauty and uniqueness of each blossom.

Complementing the vibrant red hues of the petals are secondary colors that add a touch of delicacy. Along the edges of the petals, a light white-white hue, classified as 155A, creates a striking contrast. Additionally, yellow-light yellow undertones (002D) add a subtle vibrancy to the overall appearance of the flower.

In terms of foliage, this rose variety showcases dark green leaves as its main color. The lush greenery provides the perfect backdrop for the vivid red and white petals, allowing them to truly pop. It is this harmonious combination of colors that make the Rosa Large Flowered Louis Couperus a true visual delight.

Furthermore, the Rosa Large Flowered Louis Couperus boasts a unique multi-colored distribution pattern on its petals. The red and white hues are not blended but rather marginate, resulting in a captivating and eye-catching effect. This distinctive feature further adds to the overall allure and individuality of each blossom.

Whether planted in a garden bed, a container, or used for cut flower arrangements, the Rosa Large Flowered Louis Couperus will undoubtedly bring a touch of elegance and sophistication to any setting. With its striking colors, double flower type, and unique distribution pattern, this rose variety is bound to captivate the hearts of garden enthusiasts.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a rose that stands out from the crowd, the Rosa Large Flowered Louis Couperus is the perfect choice. Its pleniflorous double blooms, captivating color scheme, and intricate distribution pattern are sure to make a bold statement in any garden or floral arrangement. Add a touch of charm and grace to your outdoor space with this exquisite rose variety.

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