Rosa large flowered Pink Avalanche+

Rosa large flowered Pink Avalanche+
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Pink-light blue pink-065B
Flower diameter 9,5 - 10 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Roses are undoubtedly one of the most popular and beloved flowers in the world. With their mesmerizing beauty and enchanting fragrance, roses have captured the hearts of people for centuries. Among the countless varieties of roses, one that stands out is the Rosa large flowered Pink Avalanche+.

The Pink Avalanche+ rose is a true sight to behold. With its delicate petals in a stunning shade of pink, it exudes elegance and grace. The flower color, described as pink-light blue pink-065B, creates a captivating visual display that is sure to catch anyone's attention. Its flower diameter of 9.5-10 cm ensures that each bloom is a statement in itself.

This particular rose variety boasts a single-flowered inflorescence, meaning that each stem carries a solitary blossom. The simplicity of this arrangement allows the beauty of each individual flower to shine brightly. Moreover, the absence of a strong scent in the Pink Avalanche+ rose adds an interesting dimension to its allure. It allows the visual aesthetics of the rose to be the main focus, making it perfect for those who prefer a scentless floral experience.

The foliage of the Pink Avalanche+ rose is equally striking. Its leaves, in a rich shade of dark green, provide a beautiful contrast against the delicate pink blooms. The lush, healthy foliage accentuates the overall appeal of this rose variety, making it a standout choice for any garden or floral arrangement.

What sets the Pink Avalanche+ rose apart is its unicolored flower color distribution. The petals are evenly colored throughout, creating a harmonious and consistent appearance. This unicolored feature adds a sense of simplicity and sophistication, allowing the flower to truly shine in its natural beauty.

Whether used in a bouquet, vase, or as a focal point in a garden, the Rosa large flowered Pink Avalanche+ is a rose variety that will undoubtedly captivate all who lay eyes upon it. With its breathtaking flower color, single-flowered inflorescence, dark green foliage, and unicolored flower color distribution, this rose is a true gem in the world of flowers. Although it may lack a scent, its visual beauty more than compensates for this. So, if you're looking to add elegance and charm to your garden or floral arrangements, look no further than the Pink Avalanche+ rose.

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