Rosa large flowered Felicity

Rosa large flowered Felicity
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color White-white-NN155B
Flower diameter 8,5 - 9 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Introducing the Stunning Rosa Large Flowered Felicity Rose

If you're in search of a truly captivating and elegant addition to your garden, look no further than the Rosa Large Flowered Felicity Rose. This remarkable plant boasts a plethora of desirable features that are sure to entice any avid gardener.

One notable characteristic of the Rosa Large Flowered Felicity Rose is its magnificent flower scent. While some may prefer fragrant roses, the charm of this variety lies in its unscented blossoms. The absence of fragrance allows for a more versatile use of this rose, as it won't overpower other scents in your garden.

Moving on to its mesmerizing appearance, the flower color of the Rosa Large Flowered Felicity Rose is a stunning white-white shade, coded as NN155B. This unique color adds an air of glamour and sophistication to any garden. The contrast of dark green leaves against the pure white petals creates an eye-catching display that is hard to miss.

Moreover, the Rosa Large Flowered Felicity Rose's flower diameter measures an impressive 8.5 to 9 centimeters, making it a sizable and attention-grabbing addition to your floral collection. Each bloom stands out on its own as a single-flowered inflorescence, allowing for a focal point in your garden that is distinct and exquisite.

The dark green color of the leaves further accentuates the pure white petals of this rose. The main color of the foliage provides a lush backdrop for the flowers, creating a visually striking contrast that enhances the overall appeal of this elegant plant.

Additionally, the Rosa Large Flowered Felicity Rose features unicolored flower color distribution. Every petal boasts the same captivating shade of white, ensuring a consistent and harmonious appearance throughout the entire bloom. This uniform color distribution adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any landscape or floral arrangement.

Overall, the Rosa Large Flowered Felicity Rose is a truly remarkable and stunning addition to gardens and floral collections alike. With its unscented yet captivating flowers, white-white coloring, impressive flower diameter, single-flowered inflorescence, dark green leaves, and unicolored flower color distribution, it is a plant that is sure to leave a lasting impression. Whether used as a centerpiece or a complementary element in your garden, this rose will undoubtedly bring beauty and charm to any space it inhabits.

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