Rosa large flowered Maritim Classic

Rosa large flowered Maritim Classic
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Purple-light violet-077D
Flower diameter 8 - 8,5 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Rosa large flowered Maritim Classic is a stunning rose variety that is highly appreciated for its beautiful appearance. While it may lack fragrance, its charming purple-light violet color compensates for it. The flowers of this rose have a diameter ranging from 8 to 8.5 cm, making them quite impressive.

When it comes to the arrangement of the flowers, the Rosa large flowered Maritim Classic produces single-flowered inflorescences, enhancing the elegance of this rose variety. The dark green leaves of this rose serve as a perfect backdrop for the vibrant and unicolored flower color distribution.

Garden enthusiasts and florists alike are drawn to the Rosa large flowered Maritim Classic due to its unique characteristics. The absence of scent makes it suitable for people who are sensitive to strong floral fragrances. Its purple-light violet color adds a touch of sophistication to any garden or floral arrangement.

Being a large flowered variety, this rose variety is particularly ideal for showcasing its beauty as a standalone feature, either in a vase or as part of a flower bouquet. Its size and striking color make it an eye-catching centerpiece for any occasion or floral display.

Moreover, the Rosa large flowered Maritim Classic thrives in sunny areas, where it can receive ample sunlight to maximize its growth potential. With proper care and maintenance, these roses can be a long-lasting addition to gardens or flower arrangements.

The dark green leaves provide a lovely contrast to the vibrant purple-light violet flowers, making them even more visually appealing. As they bloom, these roses create a mesmerizing display that is sure to captivate anyone who beholds them.

Whether you are a gardening enthusiast looking to add a touch of elegance to your garden or a florist searching for a distinctive rose variety, the Rosa large flowered Maritim Classic is an excellent choice. Its unscented nature may be unconventional for a rose, but its captivating color and remarkable flower size compensate for it.

In conclusion, the Rosa large flowered Maritim Classic is a remarkable rose variety that stands out with its unicolored purple-light violet flowers. While lacking fragrance, its stunning appearance and large flower diameter make it a popular choice for both gardens and floral arrangements. If you are seeking a unique and captivating rose variety, look no further than the Rosa large flowered Maritim Classic.

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