Rosa spray Pink Lace

Rosa spray Pink Lace
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Pink-light blue pink-065D
Flower diameter 6 - 6,5 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Rosa Spray Pink Lace, commonly known as the ROSE, is a stunning variety of rose that mesmerizes with its elegant appearance. This particular rose is a perfect blend of grace, beauty, and simplicity. With its lovely pink-light blue pink color, this flower captivates the attention of anyone who lays eyes on it.

One notable aspect of this rose is its unscented flower scent. While many roses are celebrated for their intoxicating fragrances, the ROSE amazes with its quiet and delicate nature. Its lack of scent allows other scents in your garden to shine, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

With a flower diameter of 6 - 6.5 cm, this rose blooms into a compact and charming blossom. Its petals unfurl gracefully, revealing the intricacy and finesse of its delicate structure. The flower displays a mesmerizing shade of pink-light blue pink, a unique color that adds a touch of romance to any garden or floral arrangement.

The ROSE produces its flowers in raceme inflorescences. This means that multiple flowers bloom on a single stem in a sequential pattern, creating a stunning display of color and beauty. The raceme inflorescence structure only enhances the allure and appeal of this rose, making it a delightful addition to any garden or bouquet.

The main color of the leaves of this rose is a rich dark green. The vibrant foliage acts as a perfect backdrop to the delicate pink-light blue pink flowers. The contrast between the dark green leaves and the pastel-colored blooms adds depth and visual interest, enhancing the overall beauty of this rose.

One notable characteristic of the ROSE is its unicolored flower color distribution. Every petal of this rose is adorned with the same captivating shade of pink-light blue pink. This uniformity creates a sense of cohesion and balance, allowing the flower to be the focal point of any arrangement.

Whether used in a bouquet or enjoyed in a garden, Rosa Spray Pink Lace~ROSE is a breathtaking variety of rose that captivates with its beauty. Its unscented flower scent, pink-light blue pink color, raceme inflorescence, dark green leaves, and unicolored flower color distribution all work together to create an enchanting floral experience.

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