Rosa large flowered Fairway

Rosa large flowered Fairway
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Green-light green-149D
Flower diameter 9 - 9,5 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace
Flower, secondary color(s) Yellow-light yellow-001D

Introducing the Rosa large flowered Fairway: A Green Delight!

Roses, known for their breathtaking beauty and captivating fragrance, have been a beloved symbol of love and romance for centuries. Among the countless varieties, the Rosa large flowered Fairway stands out with its unique characteristics. While it may not possess a distinctive fragrance, this rose makes up for it with its stunning green and light green hues, making it a true rarity in the world of roses.

One of the most captivating aspects of the Rosa large flowered Fairway is its flower color distribution. Unlike most roses that boast a single color, this variety showcases a mesmerizing unicolored appearance with traces of other hues. The primary color is a captivating green, reminiscent of lush foliage, while the secondary color is a delicate yellow. The contrast between the green and yellow creates a harmonious and soothing visual impact, adding an element of intrigue to this remarkable rose.

When it comes to size, the Rosa large flowered Fairway does not disappoint. Its flower diameter ranges from 9 to 9.5 cm, making it a true showstopper in any garden or floral arrangement. Each bloom stands proudly on its own, as it features a single-flowered inflorescence, allowing its beauty to be fully appreciated and admired.

As we delve into the foliage of this stunning rose, the dark green leaves provide the perfect backdrop for the vibrant flowers to shine. The lush foliage complements the green hues of the flowers, creating an overall sense of harmony and natural beauty.

Whether you choose to grow the Rosa large flowered Fairway in your garden or adorn your home with its exquisite blooms, this rose is sure to be a conversation starter. Its unique color combination and large flower size will captivate all who admire it. Its unscented nature may even be a blessing for those who are sensitive to strong floral fragrances.

With its unique traits and undeniable allure, the Rosa large flowered Fairway proves that beauty comes in all forms, even for roses that lack a prominent scent. Its green and light green hues, accompanied by its unicolored distribution and touch of yellow, make this rose a true gem amongst the floral world. So, why not add a touch of green magic to your garden or home with the enchanting Rosa large flowered Fairway? You won't be disappointed!

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