Rosa large flowered Adv Diamond Jubilee

Rosa large flowered Adv Diamond Jubilee
Flower scent Sweet scented
Flower color Pink-medium purple red-N057C
Flower diameter 9 - 9,5 cm; 9,5 - 10 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Rosa large flowered Adv Diamond Jubilee, also known as the Diamond Jubilee Rose, is a magnificent variety of rose that boasts exquisite features. This rose is renowned for its sweet scent, making it a delight to the senses. Its flowers display a mesmerizing mix of pink, medium purple, and red hues, precisely represented by the color code N057C.

One of the remarkable characteristics of the Diamond Jubilee Rose is its substantial flower diameter. The blossoms measure between 9 and 9.5 centimeters, with some reaching an impressive size of 9.5 to 10 centimeters. This large size makes the Diamond Jubilee Rose an attention-grabbing addition to any garden or floral arrangement.

In terms of the inflorescence, the Diamond Jubilee Rose showcases single-flowered clusters. Each flower stands elegantly on its own, creating a captivating visual display. The single-flowered arrangement adds a touch of sophistication to this already stunning variety.

The leaves of the Diamond Jubilee Rose possess a striking main color of dark green. This rich hue serves as a perfect backdrop to the vibrant and vivid flower colors. The dark green leaves beautifully complement the pink, medium purple, and red hues of the blossoms, creating an overall captivating appeal.

The Diamond Jubilee Rose truly stands out with its unicolored flower color distribution. The entire flower is covered in the same uniform color scheme, allowing for a seamless and harmonious appearance. This unicolored distribution further enhances the elegance and allure of this already outstanding rose variety.

With its sweet scent, captivating blend of pink, medium purple, and red hues, substantial flower diameter, single-flowered inflorescence, dark green leaves, and unicolored flower color distribution, the Rosa large flowered Adv Diamond Jubilee is an exceptional choice for any rose enthusiast or gardening aficionado. Whether added to a vibrant garden bed or used to create stunning floral arrangements, this rose variety is sure to make a bold statement and leave a lasting impression. The Diamond Jubilee Rose truly embodies the epitome of beauty and grace in the world of roses.

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