Rosa spray Wedding Mikado

Rosa spray Wedding Mikado
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color White-white-NN155A
Flower diameter 4 - 4,5 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Introducing the Exquisite Rosa Spray Wedding Mikado

Are you looking to add an enchanting touch to your big day? Look no further than the stunning Rosa Spray Wedding Mikado. With its captivating beauty and unique features, this rose is sure to make your wedding day truly memorable.

One of the standout characteristics of this rose is its unscented flower scent. While many roses are known for their intoxicating aromas, the Rosa Spray Wedding Mikado stands out by providing a delicate and gentle fragrance that won't overpower the senses. This is especially beneficial for those who may be sensitive to strong scents or have guests with allergies.

In terms of appearance, the Rosa Spray Wedding Mikado boasts a pristine white-white flower color. The petals are flawlessly colored, with no hints of other tones or shades. This pure white hue represents purity, innocence, and new beginnings, making it a perfect choice for weddings.

The flower diameter of the Rosa Spray Wedding Mikado ranges from 4 to 4.5 cm, providing a generous size that allows each bloom to command attention. This larger size ensures that the roses will make a statement in any floral arrangement or bouquet they are a part of.

The inflorescence of this rose is arranged in a raceme formation, meaning that the flowers are arranged on a central stem in a clustered manner. This composition gives the rose a more voluminous and dynamic appearance, adding a sense of movement and fullness to the overall floral design.

The leaves of the Rosa Spray Wedding Mikado have a rich, dark green color that serves as a beautiful contrast to the white flowers. This lush foliage provides a backdrop that allows the pristine white blooms to truly shine. Additionally, the dark green hue symbolizes renewal, growth, and vitality, further adding to the symbolism of new beginnings that weddings represent.

One notable feature of this rose is its unicolored flower color distribution. Unlike some roses that have variations in color across their petals, the Rosa Spray Wedding Mikado maintains a consistent color throughout each bloom. This uniformity adds a level of sophistication and elegance to the overall visual aesthetic.

In conclusion, the Rosa Spray Wedding Mikado is a remarkable rose that is perfectly suited for weddings. From its unscented flower scent to its white-white coloration and raceme inflorescence, every aspect of this rose exudes grace and beauty. Whether used in bouquets, centerpieces, or as standalone decorations, this rose is sure to enhance the ambiance of your special day. Choose the Rosa Spray Wedding Mikado and let its charm and elegance grace your wedding celebration.

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