Rosa large flowered Arancio@

Rosa large flowered Arancio@
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Orange-dark orange-N025B
Flower diameter 8 - 8,5 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Rosa large flowered Arancio@~ROSE is a stunning variety of rose that is bound to catch anyone's attention with its vibrant colors and striking appearance. Although it may lack a strong scent, its beauty more than makes up for it.

One of the most captivating features of this rose is its unique flower color. With shades ranging from orange to dark orange, this variety, known as N025B, is a true spectacle. The petals of the rose seamlessly blend different tones, creating a mesmerizing effect that is hard to resist. Whether it is placed in a garden or used as a cut flower, its captivating color is sure to make a statement.

Measuring around 8 to 8.5 cm in diameter, the flowers of the Rosa large flowered Arancio@~ROSE are relatively large, making them even more eye-catching. The single-flowered inflorescence adds to their allure, allowing each flower to be showcased and admired individually.

In terms of foliage, this rose variety boasts dark green leaves that provide a stunning contrast to the vibrant flowers. The main color of the leaves adds depth and richness to the overall appearance of the plant. As the flowers bloom and the dark green foliage envelops them, the rose becomes a visual treat, showcasing the delicate balance between colors and textures.

Another characteristic that makes the Rosa large flowered Arancio@~ROSE stand out is its unicolored flower color distribution. Unlike roses with variegated or multi-colored petals, this variety opts for a more uniform look. This simplicity enhances the impact of its vibrant orange hues, making the flowers appear even more striking and visually appealing.

This variety of rose is perfect for those seeking a visually stunning addition to their garden or floral arrangements. Its lack of scent makes it ideal for those who are sensitive to strong floral fragrances or simply prefer the focus on aesthetics. Whether you choose to admire it up close or from a distance, the Rosa large flowered Arancio@~ROSE is sure to leave a lasting impression with its unmatchable beauty and captivating colors.

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