Rosa large flowered Scandal

Rosa large flowered Scandal
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Red-dark purple red-046A
Flower diameter 8 - 8,5 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Rosa large-flowered Scandal~ROSE is a stunning variety of rose that boasts a unique combination of features. While it may not produce a captivating scent, its striking red-dark purple hue makes up for it. The flower's color code, 046A, perfectly captures its deep and intense shade.

Measuring at a diameter of 8 to 8.5 cm, the flowers of Scandal~ROSE are sizeable and demand attention. Each inflorescence consists of a single flower, which further emphasizes the grandeur and individuality of this rose variety.

The leaves of the Scandal~ROSE are primarily dark green, creating a lush backdrop for the captivating red-purple blooms. This color contrast provides an eye-catching display when the rose is in full bloom. Even without the presence of a scent, the Scandal~ROSE manages to capture attention and enchant all who lay eyes upon it.

What sets the Scandal~ROSE apart from other roses is its unicolored flower color distribution. The entire petal is adorned with the enchanting red-dark purple shade, making it a standout choice for those who prefer a bold and unified look.

Whether used as a focal point in a vibrant garden bed or as a striking addition to a floral arrangement, the Scandal~ROSE is guaranteed to make a lasting impression. Its rich color and noteworthy features make it an unforgettable choice for any rose enthusiast.

Gardening enthusiasts can consider incorporating the Scandal~ROSE into their landscape design for a touch of drama and sophistication. Its unicolored flowers and dark green leaves provide a perfect contrast to lighter or more diverse blooms, creating a visually captivating scene.

Despite its lack of fragrance, the Scandal~ROSE compensates with its visual appeal. It captures attention through its unapologetic deep red-purple color and its commanding presence. It is a rose that demands to be noticed and admired for its unique blend of features.

In conclusion, the Rosa large-flowered Scandal~ROSE is an exquisite rose variety that stands out among others. While it may not possess a scent, its unicolored red-dark purple flowers, with a diameter of 8 to 8.5 cm, make up for it. The dark green leaves provide a beautiful backdrop for the striking blooms and ensure that the Scandal~ROSE never fails to captivate. Whether used in gardens or floral arrangements, this rose is a showstopper and adds a touch of drama to any setting.

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