Rosa large flowered Sankara

Rosa large flowered Sankara
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Pink-medium red pink-052B
Flower diameter 9 - 9,5 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Rosa large flowered Sankara is a delightful variety of rose that captivates with its stunning visual appeal. With its unscented flowers and pink-medium red hue, this rose is a sight for sore eyes. The petals boast a vibrant shade of pink, resembling the color code 052B, which adds to its allure.

What sets the Rosa large flowered Sankara apart is the impressive diameter of its blooms. With an average size ranging from 9 to 9.5 cm, these flowers make a bold statement when they bloom. Each stem typically holds a single flower, enhancing the impact of each individual blossom. The inflorescence of this variety is single-flowered, allowing the delicacy of each petal to shine through without distraction.

The foliage of the Rosa large flowered Sankara is just as impressive as its blossoms. The leaves showcase a lush, dark green color, creating a beautiful contrast against the vibrant pink hue of the flowers. This combination adds depth and richness to the overall appearance of the rose. The dark green leaves provide a visually pleasing backdrop for the unicolored flower color distribution.

Whether planted as a focal point in a garden bed or used to create stunning floral arrangements, the Rosa large flowered Sankara is sure to captivate all who encounter it. Its unscented flowers may not release a fragrant aroma, but they compensate with their strikingly beautiful appearance. The pink-medium red petals, with their clear color code 052B, are a visual feast for the senses.

Garden enthusiasts and flower lovers alike can appreciate the Rosa large flowered Sankara for its eye-catching flowers and lush foliage. With its impressive flower diameter, single-flowered inflorescence, and dark green leaves, this rose variety effortlessly stands out in any landscape. Its unicolored flower color distribution further adds to its elegance, making it a favorite among rose enthusiasts.

Whether enjoyed as a standalone plant or incorporated into floral arrangements, the Rosa large flowered Sankara is undoubtedly a rose of unparalleled beauty. Its unique characteristics make it a must-have for anyone seeking to add a touch of grace and charm to their outdoor space or home.

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