Rosa large flowered Bella Perez@

Rosa large flowered Bella Perez@
Flower scent Sweet scented
Flower color Pink-light blue pink-056C
Flower diameter 10 - 11 cm
Flower length/hight 5,5 - 6 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution With trace; Bicolored
Flower, secondary color(s) Yellow-light yellow-011C; Pink-medium blue pink-062A

The Rosa Large Flowered Bella Perez is a stunning rose variety that is sure to captivate any gardener or flower enthusiast. Its sweet scented flowers and beautiful color make it a popular choice for gardens and floral arrangements.

The flowers of the Bella Perez rose are a lovely combination of pink and light blue, creating a unique and eye-catching color palette. The flower diameter ranges from 10 to 11 cm, making the blossoms large and impressive. With a length/height of 5.5 to 6 cm, these flowers truly make a statement.

One of the striking features of the Bella Perez rose is its single-flowered inflorescence. Each stem produces a solitary flower, allowing it to shine and take center stage. This adds an elegant touch to any garden or bouquet.

The main color of the rose's leaves is a rich, dark green, providing a lush backdrop to the vibrant flowers. This contrast enhances the beauty of the Bella Perez rose and makes it a standout in any landscape.

When it comes to the distribution of color on the flowers, the Bella Perez rose displays a unique characteristic. It is bicolored, meaning it has two distinct color patterns on the petals. There is a trace of yellow and light yellow, adding depth and dimension to the overall appearance. Additionally, pink and medium blue-pink hues can be seen, complementing the primary colors and creating a harmonious blend.

Gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike are drawn to the Bella Perez rose for its gorgeous appearance and pleasant scent. The sweet fragrance emanating from its petals is a delightful addition to any outdoor space or cut flower arrangement.

Whether planted in a garden, used as a focal point in a floral arrangement, or given as a gift, the Rosa Large Flowered Bella Perez is sure to bring joy and beauty to any setting. Its unique color combination, single-flowered inflorescence, and sweet fragrance make it a prized addition to any collection of roses.

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