Rosa spray Olympia Sensation@

Rosa spray Olympia Sensation@
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Pink-light blue pink-055C
Flower diameter 4,5 - 5 cm
Flower length/hight 2,5 - 3 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Introducing the Stunning Rosa Spray Olympia Sensation

Roses have long been adored for their timeless beauty and enchanting fragrances. With the introduction of the Rosa Spray Olympia Sensation, rose enthusiasts around the world are in for a mesmerizing treat. This extraordinary rose variety boasts a range of unique features that make it truly stand out among the rest.

One of the distinctive characteristics of the Rosa Spray Olympia Sensation is its unscented flower scent. While many roses are celebrated for their intoxicating aromas, this particular variety offers a refreshing change. With its subtle fragrance, it allows for a different sensory experience, focusing on visual appeal rather than scent.

The flower color of the Rosa Spray Olympia Sensation is a captivating blend of pink and light blue, with a predominant hue of pink-light blue pink-055C. This delicate coloration adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any garden or floral arrangement. Whether used as a focal point or mixed with other flowers, this rose variety effortlessly enhances the overall aesthetic.

In terms of size, the flowers of the Rosa Spray Olympia Sensation have a diameter ranging from 4.5 to 5 cm. This compact size allows for a multitude of creative uses, whether as a centerpiece in a bouquet or as part of a larger floral composition. The smaller dimensions also make it an ideal choice for those with limited space or for creating intricate floral designs.

Additionally, the flower length/height measures between 2.5 and 3 cm, further contributing to the Rosa Spray Olympia Sensation's charming appearance. The compact nature of the flowers enhances their visual impact, drawing attention to their exquisite color and form. Whether displayed in a vase or in a garden bed, these roses are sure to captivate all who behold them.

The inflorescence of the Rosa Spray Olympia Sensation occurs in raceme form, meaning that the flowers are arranged along a central stem. This unique growth pattern creates a visually stunning effect, with the blooms cascading down the stem. This distinct style of inflorescence adds depth and dimension to any floral arrangement, providing an eye-catching visual display.

The main color of the leaves of the Rosa Spray Olympia Sensation is a rich dark green. This lush foliage acts as a gorgeous backdrop for the vibrant flowers, enhancing their color and adding contrast. The combination of the dark green leaves and the delicate pink and light blue flowers creates a delightful harmony that is both striking and harmonious.

Finally, the flower color distribution of the Rosa Spray Olympia Sensation is unicolored. Each bloom boasts a consistent and uniform color throughout, adding to its overall aesthetic appeal. The unicolored distribution allows for a cohesive and balanced visual experience, ensuring that each flower is a work of art in its own right.

In conclusion, the Rosa Spray Olympia Sensation is a rose variety that possesses a range of exceptional features. From its unscented flower scent to its captivating blend of pink and light blue hues, this rose is a true delight for the senses. With its compact size, unique inflorescence, and lush dark green leaves, it is a stunning addition to any garden or floral arrangement. If you're looking to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your floral displays, the Rosa Spray Olympia Sensation is the perfect choice.

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