Rosa large flowered Pink Swirl

Rosa large flowered Pink Swirl
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Pink-medium purple red-N057C
Flower diameter 8,5 - 9 cm
Flower length/hight 5,5 - 6 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Marginate
Flower, secondary color(s) White-white-155D

Introducing the Stunning Rosa Pink Swirl

Get ready to be mesmerized by the beauty and elegance of the Rosa Pink Swirl rose. With its large, breathtaking flowers and unique color combination, this rose variety is a must-have for any garden or floral arrangement.

One notable characteristic of the Rosa Pink Swirl is its unscented flowers. While many roses are known for their sweet and intoxicating fragrance, this particular variety focuses solely on captivating the eyes with its stunning appearance. The absence of scent also makes it ideal for those who may have allergies or sensitivities to strong floral fragrances.

The flower color of the Rosa Pink Swirl is a delightful mix of pink, medium purple, and red. This intricate blend creates a mesmerizing effect that is sure to catch anyone's attention. The pink and purple hues intermingle with touches of red, giving each petal a vibrant and rich appearance.

Measuring between 8.5 and 9 cm in diameter, the flowers of the Rosa Pink Swirl are nothing short of marvelous. Each petal is intricately arranged, forming a perfect symmetrical pattern that emulates natural beauty. The length and height of the flowers range between 5.5 and 6 cm, providing the perfect size for showcasing its majestic charm.

The inflorescence of the Rosa Pink Swirl is single-flowered, allowing each bloom to steal the limelight. One can truly appreciate the intricacies and unique characteristics of each individual flower without being overshadowed by a plethora of blooms.

In contrast to its vibrant flower colors, the main color of the Rosa Pink Swirl's leaves is a deep, dark green. This provides a striking contrast against the colorful blooms and further emphasizes the beauty of the flowers. The lush and healthy foliage serves as a backdrop and enhances the overall visual appeal of this rose.

The distribution of flower color on the Rosa Pink Swirl is marginate, meaning it displays a color gradient from the outer edges of the petals towards the center. The white secondary color adds a touch of purity and brightness to the overall appearance, complementing the pink, purple, and red coloration.

For rose enthusiasts and gardeners seeking a unique and eye-catching addition to their collection, the Rosa Pink Swirl is the perfect choice. Whether used in flower arrangements or as a centerpiece in a garden, this rose variety will undoubtedly become the focal point of admiration.

Indulge in the beauty of the Rosa Pink Swirl and let its vibrant colors and intricate petal patterns transport you to a world of floral splendor.

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