Saintpaulia Ballerina's Fabia

Saintpaulia Ballerina's Fabia
Flower type Slightly doubled
Leaf margin Erose
Flower color Pink-dark blue pink-072D
Leaf, general shape Circular
Flower diameter 2,5 - 3 cm
Plant height 5 - 10 cm
Leaf width 5 - 7,5 cm
Leaf size 5 - 7,5 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Introducing the Stunning Saintpaulia Ballerina's Fabia - A Beautiful African Violet

The Saintpaulia Ballerina's Fabia is a truly mesmerizing African violet that is sure to captivate any plant enthusiast. With its unique features and vibrant colors, this plant is a sight to behold. Let's dive into the various characteristics that make this variety so special.

Flower Type: Slightly Doubled

The flowers of the Saintpaulia Ballerina's Fabia boast a slightly doubled petal structure, giving them a fuller and more impressive appearance. This characteristic adds a touch of elegance to the overall look of the plant.

Leaf Margin: Erose

The leaf margin of this African violet is erose, meaning that it has a finely serrated edge. This distinctive feature adds texture and depth to the leaves, creating an interesting contrast against the smooth petals of the flowers.

Flower Color: Pink-Dark Blue Pink-072D

The flower color of the Ballerina's Fabia is a mesmerizing blend of pink and dark blue. The petals display a delicate gradient that transitions from a lighter pink to a deep, rich hue. This captivating color combination adds a luxurious touch to the plant and is a true visual delight.

Leaf, General Shape: Circular

The leaves of the Saintpaulia Ballerina's Fabia exhibit a circular shape. This well-defined form creates a pleasing symmetry and contributes to the overall balanced appearance of the plant. The circular leaves complement the vibrant flowers, creating a harmonious and captivating display.

Flower Diameter: 2.5 - 3 cm

Despite its small stature, the Ballerina's Fabia surprises with its impressive flower diameter. Measuring between 2.5 and 3 cm, these dainty blooms pack a lot of charm into a compact size. The petite flowers provide a delicate accent to any space they grace.

Plant Height: 5 - 10 cm

The Saintpaulia Ballerina's Fabia is a petite African violet, reaching a height of just 5 to 10 cm. This compact size makes it a perfect addition to any indoor garden or even as a decorative piece on a desk or windowsill. Its small stature ensures that it can fit into any space without overpowering the surroundings.

Leaf Width and Size: 5 - 7.5 cm

The leaves of the Ballerina's Fabia are not only circular but also boast a width and size of 5 to 7.5 cm. This medium-sized foliage is well-proportioned and provides a lush backdrop for the stunning flowers. The combination of the circular shape and dimensions of the leaves creates a visually pleasing aesthetic.

Leaf, Main Color: Dark Green

The main color of the leaves is a rich and deep dark green. This vibrant hue adds an element of freshness and vitality to the overall appearance of the plant. The lush foliage serves as a striking backdrop for the beautiful flowers, elevating their visual impact.

Flower Color Distribution: Unicolored

The Ballerina's Fabia flowers exhibit a unicolored distribution, meaning that they maintain a consistent color throughout their petals. This uniformity enhances the elegance and sophistication of the plant, creating a harmonious and visually appealing look.

In conclusion, the Saintpaulia Ballerina's Fabia is an African violet that effortlessly combines beauty, grace, and charm. Its slightly doubled flowers, erose leaf margins, and captivating coloration make it a standout variety. Whether displayed as a focal point in an indoor garden or used as a decorative accent, this stunning plant is sure to leave a lasting impression.

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