Saintpaulia Rosanne mixed

Saintpaulia Rosanne mixed
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Leaf margin Entire; Sinuate
Flower color Mixed
Leaf, general shape Elliptic / oval
Petal edge Entire
Flower diameter 3,5 - 4 cm
Plant height 5 - 10 cm
Plantdiameter 15 cm - 20 cm
Leaf width 4 - 5 cm
Leaf size 5 - 7,5 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green

The Saintpaulia Rosanne mixed African Violet is a stunning flower that is sure to bring beauty to any space. This particular variety of African Violet features double (pleniflorous) flowers with mixed colors, creating a beautiful and vibrant display.

The leaves of the Saintpaulia Rosanne mixed African Violet have an entire and sinuate margin, giving them an interesting texture and shape. The general shape of the leaves is elliptic or oval, adding to the overall aesthetic appeal of the plant. The main color of the leaves is a dark green, providing a lovely contrast to the colorful flowers.

The flowers of this African Violet have a diameter of 3.5-4 cm, making them a perfect size for showcasing their intricate details. The petal edges are also entire, creating a smooth and cohesive look. With a plant height of 5-10 cm and a plant diameter of 15-20 cm, this African Violet is compact and perfect for small spaces such as windowsills or desks.

The leaves have a width of 4-5 cm and a size of 5-7.5 cm, making them small and delicate. Despite their size, they still make a big impact with their dark green color and elegant shape.

Caring for the Saintpaulia Rosanne mixed African Violet is relatively simple. It requires moderate lighting, preferably bright indirect light, to thrive. The soil should be well-draining to prevent overwatering, as African Violets are susceptible to root rot. It is best to water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

Fertilizing with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer once a month during the growing season will help promote healthy growth and vibrant blooms. It is important to follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging to avoid overfertilization, which can damage the plant.

Overall, the Saintpaulia Rosanne mixed African Violet is a beautiful and charming plant that will add a touch of elegance to any home or office space. With its mixed-colored flowers, dark green leaves, and compact size, it is sure to be a delight to behold. With proper care and attention, this African Violet will thrive and bring joy for years to come.

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