Veronica Ares Alexia

Veronica Ares Alexia
Leaf margin Serrate
Flower color Pink-medium blue pink-068B
Flower diameter 1 - 10 mm
Inflorescence Raceme
Leaf size 7,5 - 10 cm
Light conditions Semi-shades; Sunny
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Moisture requirements Well-drained
Soil type Humus rich

Veronica Ares Alexia~SPEEDWELL is a beautiful flowering plant with various distinctive features. Its serrate leaf margin adds a unique touch to the overall appearance of the plant. The leaves are a dark green color, giving it a lush and vibrant look.

This speedwell variety produces stunning flowers that range in color from pink to medium blue. The delicate petals create an eye-catching display, with a hint of pink-blue shade. The flower diameter varies between 1 and 10 mm, adding to the charm of this plant.

The flowers are arranged in a raceme inflorescence, creating a cluster of blooms that are sure to attract attention. Whether in a garden bed or a container, the Veronica Ares Alexia~SPEEDWELL is sure to be a focal point.

This plant thrives in both semi-shaded and sunny conditions, making it suitable for various outdoor settings. It can adapt to different light conditions, but it prefers a balance between sunlight and shade. It is essential to provide the plant with sufficient light for proper growth and flowering.

The Veronica Ares Alexia~SPEEDWELL has specific moisture requirements and thrives in well-drained soil. It does not tolerate waterlogged conditions, so ensuring proper drainage is crucial. This variety prefers a soil type that is humus-rich, providing the necessary nutrients for its health and development.

With its distinctive features and specific growth requirements, the Veronica Ares Alexia~SPEEDWELL is an ideal choice for gardens, landscapes, and containers. Its vibrant flowers and attractive foliage add a touch of elegance to any outdoor space. Whether planted as a border, in a rock garden, or as a focal point, this speedwell variety is sure to captivate.

To ensure the best growth and flowering, it is recommended to provide the Veronica Ares Alexia~SPEEDWELL with proper care and maintenance. Regular watering, especially during dry periods, will keep the plant well-hydrated without over-soaking the soil. Adding organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to the soil will improve its fertility and drainage.

Regular pruning will help maintain a compact and tidy appearance, promoting new growth and encouraging more abundant blooms. Remove any damaged or yellowing leaves and cut back the plant after flowering to prevent it from becoming leggy.

Overall, the Veronica Ares Alexia~SPEEDWELL is a delightful addition to any garden or landscape. Its unique leaf margin, beautiful flowers, and specific growing requirements make it a versatile plant that can enhance the beauty of any outdoor space. With proper care and maintenance, this speedwell variety will reward gardeners with its stunning display year after year.

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