Zantedeschia 'Ascari'

Zantedeschia 'Ascari'
Flower color Purple-dark violet-079A
Inflorescence Spadix & spathe
Flower color distribution Marginate
Flower, secondary color(s) Yellow-light yellow-004C

The Zantedeschia 'Ascari' is a stunning variety of the calla lily, known for its striking purple-dark violet flower color. This beautiful flower is a favorite among gardeners and floral enthusiasts.

The 'Ascari' calla lily features an eye-catching inflorescence known as a spadix and spathe. This unique structure consists of a fleshy, cylindrical spadix adorned with numerous tiny flowers, surrounded by a large petal-like spathe.

What sets the Zantedeschia 'Ascari' apart is its flower color distribution, known as marginate. The margins or edges of the petals exhibit a dark violet hue, while the inner portion remains a rich, velvety purple. This play of colors adds depth and visual interest to the flower, making it truly captivating.

Although the primary color of the 'Ascari' calla lily is purple-dark violet, it boasts secondary colors as well. The throat of the flower and the tips of the spadix display a beautiful yellow-light yellow shade. This contrast of warm yellow tones against the cool purples creates a harmonious and elegant display.

The Zantedeschia 'Ascari' not only astounds with its vibrantly colored flowers but also with its symbolism. Calla lilies are often associated with beauty, purity, and rebirth. They have been used for various occasions, including weddings and funerals, where they represent new beginnings and the cycle of life.

Cultivating the 'Ascari' calla lily requires proper care and attention. These plants prefer partial shade and well-drained soil with regular moisture. They thrive in temperate regions but can also be grown as potted plants indoors.

To enjoy the 'Ascari' calla lily's stunning blooms, it is essential to provide it with sufficient sunlight and water. As the flowers fade, it is recommended to remove them to encourage new growth. With proper care, these captivating flowers can bloom from late spring through summer, bringing beauty and elegance to any garden or floral arrangement.

In conclusion, the Zantedeschia 'Ascari' calla lily is a mesmerizing flower that showcases a unique purple-dark violet color with marginate distribution. Its secondary colors of yellow-light yellow add further allure. With its symbolism of beauty and rebirth, this calla lily variety is a delightful addition to any garden or floral arrangement.

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