
An incomparable aroma

Gardenia jasminoides 'Kimberly'
Leaf tip: Acuminate. Flower type: Double (pleniflorous). Flower scent: Strong. Flower color: White-white-999D. Leaf, general shape: Elongate. Flower diameter: 11 - 12 cm. Inflorescence: Single-flowered. Leaf size: 7,5 - 10 cm. Leaf, main color: Dark green.
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Gardenia jasminoides
Leaf tip: Acuminate. Flower type: Double (pleniflorous). Fruit type: Berry. Flower scent: Sweet scented; Strong. Flower color: White-white-999D. Leaf, general shape: Elongate. Flower diameter: 6,5 - 7 cm. Structure (tissues): Woody. Leaf width: 4 - 5 cm. Leaf surface: Glossy. Lea...
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