
Spherical inflorescences

Latin name Haemanthus
Homeland Africa
Family Amaryllidaceae
Cultivation difficult enough
Location in a brightly lit place or in partial shade
Temperature minimum 10 ° С, optimum 18 ° С
Watering at the developmental stage, regular
Flowering time late spring or summer
Height 25-90 cm depending on the type
Transplanting in spring
Appearance maintenance remove faded parts

50 species of the genus Haemanthus are deciduous and evergreen tender bulbous plants with wide leaves and umbrella-shaped inflorescences, surrounded by bright bracts, on strong peduncles. Haemanthus white-flowered, or cow tongue (Haemanthus albiflos), is a species 25-30 cm high with wide leaves rounded at the ends. In June, dense umbellate inflorescences with a diameter of 5 cm appear from white narrow flowers with long stamens on short peduncles. The variety 'Bloody Flower' has bright orange flowers. Haemanthus bright red (H. coccineus) is a deciduous species with broad flat leaves that appear in September after flowering in August. The length of the peduncles is 25-30 cm, and the diameter of the inflorescences is up to 8 cm; flowers are red. In the deciduous species, Katerina's Haemanthus (H. katherinae) has large ovoid-oval leaves with a wavy edge. In July-August, umbellate inflorescences with a diameter of up to 15 cm, consisting of numerous reddish-pink flowers, appear on long peduncles up to 30-50 cm high. Haemanthus multiflorus (H. multiflorus) is a deciduous species up to 90 cm high, with inflorescences 15 cm in diameter from numerous scarlet flowers that bloom in late spring. Leaves are oblong-lanceolate.

50 species of the genus Haemanthus are deciduous and evergreen tender bulbous plants with wide leaves and umbrella-shaped inflorescences, surrounded by bright bracts, on strong peduncles.

Haemanthus white-flowered, or cow tongue (Haemanthus albiflos), is a species 25-30 cm high with wide leaves rounded at the ends.

In June, dense umbellate inflorescences with a diameter of 5 cm appear from white narrow flowers with long stamens on short peduncles. The variety 'Bloody Flower' has bright orange flowers.

Haemanthus bright red (H. coccineus) is a deciduous species with broad flat leaves that appear in September after flowering in August. The length of the peduncles is 25-30 cm, and the diameter of the inflorescences is up to 8 cm; flowers are red.

In the deciduous species, Katerina's Haemanthus (H. katherinae) has large ovoid-oval leaves with a wavy edge.

In July-August, umbellate inflorescences with a diameter of up to 15 cm, consisting of numerous reddish-pink flowers, appear on long peduncles up to 30-50 cm high.

Haemanthus multiflorus (H. multiflorus) is a deciduous species up to 90 cm high, with inflorescences 15 cm in diameter from numerous scarlet flowers that bloom in late spring. Leaves are oblong-lanceolate.


Haemanthus plants are grown in pots as an indoor crop suitable for both warm and cool environments. In the warm season, they are taken out into the fresh air and put back before the onset of cold weather. Planting of bulbs is carried out in spring in pots or multi-place cassettes filled with mixed soil from sterilized garden soil, neutral peat and sand (1:1:1) with a small amount (10-15 g per bucket) of full mineral fertilizer with prolonged action. The bulbs should be lightly covered with earth. From May to the beginning of flowering, once every 2 weeks, a complex fertilizer is added to the water for irrigation in an amount of 10-20 g per bucket. In winter, it is recommended to place the Haemanthus in a cool, but bright place, to reduce watering.


At home, plants should be placed in a brightly lit place, and outdoors in partial shade.


In winter, the temperature should not be lower than 10 ° С, and during growth and active development 15-18 ° С.


During the period of vegetative growth and development, watered regularly. When the leaves turn yellow, watering is reduced significantly.


Transplanted in spring, use larger pots (diameter 20 cm).


Withered flowers and damaged leaves are removed.


Propagated by seeds or young bulbs. In the spring, during transplantation, the children formed next to the main bulb are separated and planted in multi-place cassettes filled with soil. Flowering occurs in 2-3 years.


Gray rot Botrytis cinerea causes necrotic spots on the leaves, damage to the stems. Treatment with fungicides can be done, but it is better to remove the affected plant. In case of decay of the bulbs, the Haemanthus are thrown away. Aphids and thrips cause deformation and yellowing of the aerial part. Treatment with anti-aphid preparations and appropriate insecticides helps. Spider mites provoke the appearance of red or yellowish specks. They get rid of it with the help of acaricides, and also maintain high humidity around by spraying with water.


Bulbs of the genus Haemanthus can be found in specialized outlets offering a wide range and in flower nurseries. Bulbs are chosen large (approximately 8 cm in diameter), well-formed, without flaws.

Very similar genus The species of the genus Haemanthus are very similar to those of the genus Scadoxus; They differ from each other only in leaves, which are located differently on the stems, and on the leaves of the scadoxus there is no pronounced central vein. The species Scadoxus puniceus, also known as Haemanthus magnificus, has leaves with a wavy edge, oblong-elliptical in shape. The flower-bearing stem is 40 cm high with orange-red inflorescences; bracts are green or red.

Very similar genus

The species of the genus Haemanthus are very similar to those of the genus Scadoxus; They differ from each other only in leaves, which are located differently on the stems, and on the leaves of the scadoxus there is no pronounced central vein. The species Scadoxus puniceus, also known as Haemanthus magnificus, has leaves with a wavy edge, oblong-elliptical in shape. The flower-bearing stem is 40 cm high with orange-red inflorescences; bracts are green or red.

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