
White and pink ears of corn

Latin name Physostegia
Homeland America
Family Lamiaceae
Cultivation simple
Location in the open sun or partial shade
Temperature resistant to both low and high temperatures
Watering spring-summer abundant
Flowering time spring-summer
Height up to 1,2-1,5 m
Transplanting not performed
Appearance maintenance remove wilted flowers

The genus Physostegia includes 15 species of herbaceous rhizomatous perennial resistant plants. Of these, only one is mainly grown. All parts of the physostegia are updated annually, even the roots. Physostegia virginiana is a species up to 80 cm tall, with a square cross-section stem and lanceolate toothed leaves. The flowers are irregularly shaped in spike-shaped inflorescences, white, pink or red in color, 3 cm long. They bloom from late spring and bloom almost until the end of summer. There are many varieties that grow to a height of 1.2-1.5 m. 'Snow Queen' and 'White' are characterized by white flowers. The variety 'Pink Bouquet', which grows up to 1.2 m, is lilac-pink. The 'Summer Spiral', up to 60 cm high, has intense pink flowers.

The genus Physostegia includes 15 species of herbaceous rhizomatous perennial resistant plants. Of these, only one is mainly grown. All parts of the physostegia are updated annually, even the roots.

Physostegia virginiana is a species up to 80 cm tall, with a square cross-section stem and lanceolate toothed leaves. The flowers are irregularly shaped in spike-shaped inflorescences, white, pink or red in color, 3 cm long. They bloom from late spring and bloom almost until the end of summer.

There are many varieties that grow to a height of 1.2-1.5 m. 'Snow Queen' and 'White' are characterized by white flowers. The variety 'Pink Bouquet', which grows up to 1.2 m, is lilac-pink. The 'Summer Spiral', up to 60 cm high, has intense pink flowers.


Physostegia is grown in the open ground in flower beds and mixborders, and tall varieties are also used as flowers for cutting. They are planted permanently in autumn or spring (in areas with cold winters); they prefer fresh, loose, well-moistened land. Plants are planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Once every 15-20 days, a complex mineral fertilizer is added to the water for irrigation in the amount of 10-20 g per bucket. If the soil is very fertile, use fertilizers with a low nitrogen content. At the end of autumn, the stems are cut to the root, then in the spring the bush grows more luxuriantly.


These plants grow well in the open sun, except for climatic conditions in which it is hot and dry in summer, here they are recommended to grow in partial shade.


Physostegia is a winter-hardy crop, in addition, it is also resistant to high temperatures.


In spring and summer, it is recommended to water the physostegia abundantly.


Remove damaged and dried parts and peduncles with faded inflorescences.


Propagated most often by dividing rhizomes in spring or autumn. You can also take cuttings from long shoots in the spring and immediately plant them directly into the ground, at a permanent planting site.


Rotting of the root neck and roots is caused by fungi of the genera Pellicularia and Sclerotinia. Their appearance is prevented by using uninfected soil for planting and processing with fungicides. Leaf spots appear due to fungi of the genus Septoria (Septoria) and because of rust. Fungicide treatment is recommended.


Potted seedlings can be found in nurseries and gardening centers. Choose a healthy and compact one.

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