Primula obconica

Non-lovers of the cold

Latin name Primula obconica
Homeland China and the Himalayas
Family Primulaceae
Cultivation simple
Location illuminated
Temperature not less than 5 °C
Watering only keep the soil moist
Flowering time in spring
Height 25-30 cm
Transplanting in september
Appearance maintenance remove dead leaves and flowers

Primula obconica, or obovate lanceolate (Primula obconica), is usually grown as an annual plant. It usually has small flowers of pale lilac color, but there are varieties that are painted in the brightest way, for example, in dark purple, pink, orange, and pink with a white ornament. Petals with wavy edges. Flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The leaves are rosette-shaped, on petioles or sessile, and have a light green color. Primrose obovate lanceolate - a small plant. It is quite elegant and is very much appreciated as a houseplant (up to 10 peduncles develop on one plant).

Primula obconica, or obovate lanceolate (Primula obconica), is usually grown as an annual plant. It usually has small flowers of pale lilac color, but there are varieties that are painted in the brightest way, for example, in dark purple, pink, orange, and pink with a white ornament. Petals with wavy edges. Flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The leaves are rosette-shaped, on petioles or sessile, and have a light green color.

Primrose obovate lanceolate - a small plant. It is quite elegant and is very much appreciated as a houseplant (up to 10 peduncles develop on one plant).


Reverse lanceolate primrose can be grown on the terrace and in the garden, do not forget to bring it to a protected place at the first cold weather, as well as at home. The soil for growing should be light and slightly acidic. The plant can vegetate for several years, if in the summer it provides a dormant period in a ventilated and cool place, during which watering is reduced, for example, if it grows in a garden-in the shade of a shrub. In addition, the reverse lanceolate primrose likes moderately moist soil.


This plant requires good lighting, but in summer they must be shaded from direct sunlight.


Primrose obovate lanceolate, although this plant is mainly indoor, can be grown in the open ground. However, in this case, it should still be moved to the room in the fall: it does not tolerate low temperatures-less than 5 °C.


During the budding and flowering periods, the soil should be constantly moist. It is necessary that the water is not excessively alkaline - check with litmus tests, and add liquid mineral fertilizer to the water for irrigation on a weekly basis. During the dormant period, watering is reduced.


Propagate by seed. To achieve good seed germination after sowing, it is important to keep them at a constant, but not too high temperature (16-20 °C) and high humidity. After the shoots appear, the temperature is gradually reduced, while simultaneously reducing humidity.


Primrose obovate can be affected by gray rot, a fungal disease that causes grayish-white spots on the leaves. You can get rid of it by cutting off the diseased leaves and spraying them with the appropriate fungicide. Primrose is sensitive to chlorosis, which manifests itself in the yellowing of leaves and veins and is associated with the acidity of the soil. This problem can be avoided by adding iron sulfate or chelate when watering. If the yellowing is limited to the edges of the leaves, the reason for this is excessive feeding. Plants are damaged by aphids and mites, especially in high temperature conditions. They get rid of them with the help of special drugs.


Choose plants with flowers that have not yet bloomed, without spots on the leaves. Reverse lanceolate primrose can be purchased at flower shops and gardening centers all year round.

Blooming If sowing is carried out from January to July (every 4 weeks), the plants will bloom from autumn to April next year. Flowers are up to 6 cm in diameter in various colors and shades. For flowering, a pot is required (the plant remains in it after the end of the flowering period) with a diameter of 12-16 cm.


If sowing is carried out from January to July (every 4 weeks), the plants will bloom from autumn to April next year. Flowers are up to 6 cm in diameter in various colors and shades. For flowering, a pot is required (the plant remains in it after the end of the flowering period) with a diameter of 12-16 cm.

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