

Latin name Rhyncospermum
Homeland East Asia
Family Apocynaceae
Cultivation simple
Location in the open sun or partial shade
Temperature resistant to both low and high temperatures
Watering in the ground-sparse, in pots-regular
Flowering time in june
Height up to 5 m
Transplanting in spring
Appearance maintenance remove wilted inflorescences

The genus Rhyncospermum (Rhyncospermum) is about 30 evergreen climbing shrubs. Those of them that are presented here are stable, growing up to 5 m in height. The leaves are oval, blooming in June with white or cream-colored flowers. Rhyncospermum jasminoides, or trachelospermum jasminoides, is undoubtedly the most common of these species. The plant is distinguished by its characteristic long dark green glossy oval-shaped stems. The leaves are ovate-lanceolate, dark green. Blooming profusely, white flattened star-shaped flowers are collected in small inflorescences and have a pleasant aroma similar to jasmine, which is why in Europe they are called false jasmine. Rhyncospermum asiaticum (R. asiaticum), or trachelospermum asiaticum (T. asiaticum, or T. divaricatum), is a species with white-cream flowers, which darken by the end of the flowering period. Rhyncospermum large (R. majus) is a more stable species than rhyncospermum jasmine shaped. The leaves are ovate dark green, and in cold weather they turn bronze-red in color. White flowers have only a slight aroma.

The genus Rhyncospermum (Rhyncospermum) is about 30 evergreen climbing shrubs. Those of them that are presented here are stable, growing up to 5 m in height. The leaves are oval, blooming in June with white or cream-colored flowers.

Rhyncospermum jasminoides, or trachelospermum jasminoides, is undoubtedly the most common of these species. The plant is distinguished by its characteristic long dark green glossy oval-shaped stems. The leaves are ovate-lanceolate, dark green. Blooming profusely, white flattened star-shaped flowers are collected in small inflorescences and have a pleasant aroma similar to jasmine, which is why in Europe they are called false jasmine.

Rhyncospermum asiaticum (R. asiaticum), or trachelospermum asiaticum (T. asiaticum, or T. divaricatum), is a species with white-cream flowers, which darken by the end of the flowering period.

Rhyncospermum large (R. majus) is a more stable species than rhyncospermum jasmine shaped. The leaves are ovate dark green, and in cold weather they turn bronze-red in color. White flowers have only a slight aroma.


Plants of the genus Rhyncospermum are grown as lianas, guiding them along trellises, columns, walls and other supports both in the open ground - in the garden, and in pots on balconies and terraces. They are planted in the ground in late spring (end of April). They prefer rather acidic and well-drained soft soil, enriched with organic substances (peat or well-rotted foliage with an acidic reaction of the environment). During severe and prolonged frosts, it is recommended to cover the soil around the plants, especially in the first years of life, mulching it with peat, straw and other suitable materials. For potted plants use a substrate consisting of 2/3 of peat and 1/3 of fertile land. A complex fertilizer of 20-30 g per bucket is added to it. During the spring-summer period, once every 20-30 days, a complex fertilizer for fertilizing plants is diluted in water for irrigation.

Plants of the genus Rhyncospermum are grown as lianas, guiding them along trellises, columns, walls and other supports both in the open ground - in the garden, and in pots on balconies and terraces. They are planted in the ground in late spring (end of April). They prefer rather acidic and well-drained soft soil, enriched with organic substances (peat or well-rotted foliage with an acidic reaction of the environment). During severe and prolonged frosts, it is recommended to cover the soil around the plants, especially in the first years of life, mulching it with peat, straw and other suitable materials. For potted plants use a substrate consisting of 2/3 of peat and 1/3 of fertile land. A complex fertilizer of 20-30 g per bucket is added to it. During the spring-summer period, once every 20-30 days, a complex fertilizer for fertilizing plants is diluted in water for irrigation.


Preferably a place in the open sun, but partial shade is also suitable. Protection from cold wind is required.


The presented species adapt well to the ambient air temperature.


Watering of potted specimens should be regular, but not excessive. Plants in open ground can be watered rarely, for example, limit watering during dry, rainless weather.


Transplanted only if the roots of the plant are no longer placed in the same container, in the spring. Use a slightly larger container than the previous one.


During flowering, wilted inflorescences are removed, which contributes to the appearance of new ones.


The most common method is cuttings. In July-August, semi-woody cuttings 10-15 cm long are taken from the side shoots and placed in a mixture of sand and peat. After the formation of roots, cuttings are planted singly in cups, which are kept in a closed, unheated room all winter. In the ground, seedlings can be planted in the spring. Another method is multiplication by layers. In October, choose the longest branches, cut from the bottom side and dig in the place of the incision. They are separated from the mother plant in about a year, by which time they will have properly developed the root system.


There are no special problems associated with pests and diseases. Certain problems arise when growing in unsuitable soil (poor drainage, liming), root rot or chlorosis appears.


Plants of the genus Rhyncospermum are extremely easy to purchase in flower shops, gardening centers, nurseries and even in some supermarkets. It is recommended to purchase very small plants, because their growth is very fast. The best months to buy are April and May, just before flowering begins.

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