Rosa large flowered Felicia-Bb

Rosa large flowered Felicia-Bb
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color White-light yellow-010D; Pink-medium purple red-058C
Flower diameter 8,5 - 9 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Multi-colored; Marginate
Flower, secondary color(s) Red-medium red pink-053C

Introducing the Stunning Rosa Large Flowered Felicia-Bb~ROSE

When it comes to mesmerizing flowers, nothing quite captures the essence of beauty like the Rosa large flowered Felicia-Bb~ROSE. With its exquisite features and unique color combination, this rose variety is a true showstopper in any garden or floral arrangement.

One notable characteristic of the Rosa large flowered Felicia-Bb~ROSE is its lack of fragrance. While many roses are adored for their sweet scents, this variety focuses solely on its visual allure. So, if you're looking for a stunning rose without any overpowering fragrance, this is the perfect choice for you.

Speaking of visuals, let's delve into the captivating color palette of this rose. The flowers feature an enchanting mix of white and light yellow tones, a combination that exudes sophistication and elegance. Additionally, the pink hues range from medium purple to a vivacious red, adding a pop of color and intrigue to the overall appearance.

Measuring between 8.5 to 9 centimeters in diameter, these flowers are truly a sight to behold. Their large size demands attention and immediately catches the eye. Whether used as a standalone bloom or incorporated into floral arrangements, the Rosa large flowered Felicia-Bb~ROSE will undoubtedly steal the show.

When it comes to its inflorescence, this rose variety showcases single-flowered arrangements. Each stem carries only one majestic blossom, allowing its magnificence to shine without any distractions. This elegant structure further adds to the rose's overall appeal and makes it a sought-after choice among garden enthusiasts and professional florists alike.

Accompanying the mesmerizing blossoms are the dark green leaves that provide a striking backdrop. These lush leaves complement the colorful flowers and enhance their beauty. The combination of the vibrant petals and dark foliage creates a visually captivating display that is hard to resist.

One fascinating aspect of the Rosa large flowered Felicia-Bb~ROSE is its multi-colored flower distribution. The petals exhibit varying shades of color throughout their surface, creating a mesmerizing effect. Additionally, the flowers are marginate, showcasing a distinct red to medium red pink hue around the edges. These intricate details add depth and uniqueness to the overall appearance of the rose.

Whether used in bouquets, centerpieces, or as a standalone feature in your garden, the Rosa large flowered Felicia-Bb~ROSE is sure to captivate your senses. Its unscented nature allows for a focus solely on the visual appeal, making it an ideal choice for those who value the aesthetics of flowers.

In conclusion, the Rosa large flowered Felicia-Bb~ROSE is a botanical wonder that leaves no room for disappointment. With its unscented nature, mesmerizing colors, and remarkable flower distribution, this rose variety is a testament to the beauty found in nature. Whether you're an avid gardener or simply appreciate floral elegance, this rose is one that deserves a prominent place in your collection.

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