Rosa large flowered Kazoo-Bb

Rosa large flowered Kazoo-Bb
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Pink-medium purple-067A
Flower diameter 8,5 - 9 cm
Flower length/hight 5 - 5,5 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace

The Rosa Large Flowered Kazoo-Bb~ROSE is a stunning variety of rose that is sure to add beauty to any garden or landscape. While it may not have a scent, its vibrant colors and impressive size make up for it.

The flower color of the Kazoo-Bb~ROSE is a mesmerizing combination of pink and medium purple. This unique blend creates a visually striking flower that is sure to catch the eye of anyone who sees it. The color code for this rose is 067A, adding an element of distinction to its already remarkable appearance.

One of the standout features of the Kazoo-Bb~ROSE is its impressive flower diameter. Ranging from 8.5 to 9 centimeters, the flowers are large and commanding. This size adds to the dramatic effect that this rose has on its surroundings.

In addition to the generous diameter, the flower length/height of the Kazoo-Bb~ROSE is equally impressive. Measuring between 5 and 5.5 centimeters, the flowers stand tall and proud. This height adds vertical interest to the plant and further emphasizes its grandeur.

The inflorescence of the Kazoo-Bb~ROSE is single-flowered. This means that each stem will produce a single, magnificent flower. While some roses may have clusters of smaller blooms, the Kazoo-Bb~ROSE opts for a more singular approach, allowing each flower to shine on its own.

The color distribution of the flowers is described as unicolored with a trace. This means that the pink and medium purple hues are evenly spread throughout the petals, creating a harmonious and balanced appearance. The trace of color adds a subtle depth to the overall coloration, enhancing the beauty of the rose.

Complementing the vibrant flowers is the dark green main color of the leaves. This provides an excellent contrast and backdrop for the colorful blooms, making them stand out even more. The dark green color also adds a layer of lushness to the plant, contributing to its overall appeal.

Overall, the Rosa Large Flowered Kazoo-Bb~ROSE is a remarkable addition to any garden. With its unforgettably vibrant colors, impressive size, and visually striking appearance, it is sure to make a statement. While it may not have a scent, its beauty more than makes up for it. Add the Kazoo-Bb~ROSE to your garden and enjoy the splendor it brings.

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