Rosa large flowered Muru@

Rosa large flowered Muru@
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color White-light green-157C
Flower diameter 8 - 8,5 cm
Flower length/hight 4 - 4,5 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Rosa large flowered Muru@~ROSE is a visually stunning variety of rose that captivates with its elegant appearance. While it may lack fragrance, its other characteristics more than make up for it. The flower color of this rose is a unique white-light green shade, with a touch of the color code 157C, adding a hint of vibrancy.

One of the most striking aspects of the Rosa large flowered Muru@~ROSE is its impressive flower diameter, measuring between 8 and 8.5 cm. This size makes it a standout in any garden or floral arrangement. Additionally, the flower length or height of this rose ranges from 4 to 4.5 cm, giving it a compact yet impressive appearance.

The inflorescence of the Rosa large flowered Muru@~ROSE is single-flowered, meaning each stem carries a stunningly beautiful blossom. This choice of inflorescence allows the individual flowers to shine and showcase their unique color and form.

The leaves of this rose variety sport a rich, dark green color as their main hue. This provides an excellent contrast against the light-colored flowers, making them stand out even more. Along with the vibrant flowers, the dark green leaves contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal of the Rosa large flowered Muru@~ROSE.

When it comes to flower color distribution, this rose is unicolored, meaning the entire petal surface has the same hue. This creates a cohesive and eye-catching visual impact, as the uniform color allows the viewer to fully appreciate the beauty of the flower without distraction.

Overall, the Rosa large flowered Muru@~ROSE is a remarkable rose variety with its unique coloration and impressive flower size. While it may not possess a scent, its visual allure more than compensates for this. Whether used in a bouquet, garden, or as a centerpiece, this rose is sure to be a focal point and add elegance to any setting.

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